Corporate governance statement in accordance with Section 289f (4) of HGB

Targets for the proportion of women on the supervisory board, in management and in the two management levels below management

The "Law for the Equal Participation of Women and Men in Management Positions in the Private Sector and in Public Service" obliges Maschinenfabrik ALFING Kessler GmbH to set targets for the proportion of women on the supervisory board, management board and the two management levels below the management board.

The target values for the supervisory board and management set by the company’s shareholders’ meeting on 28 September 2015 with a deadline of 31 March 2017 in accordance with Section 52 (2) of the Law of Companies were complied with a status quo of "0" as of 31 March 2017.

The target figures for the first management level ("0") and the second management level (1.9%) below the management board, which were set by the management board on September 28, 2015 with a deadline of 31 March 2017, were also met with a status quo of "0" (1st management level) and 3.1% (2nd management level) as of 31 March 2017.

With regard to the expiry of the deadline on 31 March 2017, the company's shareholders' meeting, by resolution of 10 March 2017, based on the current mandates and since there are no plans to change or supplement the management, defined that the existing quota of "0 " to be recorded in the supervisory board and management with a time horizon until 31 March 2022.

On 10 March 2017, the management for its part also redefined the target for the proportion of women in the first and second management levels below the management with a time horizon of up to 31 March 2022. These amount due to currently unforeseeable staff vacancies with "0" (1st management level) and 3.1% (2nd management level) at the status quo level at the time the resolution was passed.